Workshop 304—The Art of Posing: $79
The Art of Posing for Models & Photographers
To be a successful model, you really only need to have ONE skill: posing. Yet few models really know how to do it, or even spend much time trying to learn. Most think that it is the job of the photographer to do it for you. Not so! Of course it is a team effort, but this is the model’s responsibility!
So we are here to help.
Here’s the rundown:
Observe how a great photo shoot should flow as Andy photographs an experienced model.
Part One:
Andy takes you through a guided tour of good and bad poses by critiquing actual photos of models he has taken. By seeing what is right and wrong, you can take this knowledge home to practice. And the photographers can pick up tips to pass along to models on future shoots.
Part Two:
The experienced model will demonstrate great poses for both commercial and editorial advertising. Learn what the agencies (that will hire you) are looking for! Models will be shown how to move from pose to pose while the photographers get some pointers to share with models on their next photo session.
Part Three:
Andy explains to photographers how to work with models to make them feel at ease and how to work through each phase of a shoot. The models learn how to think through the eyes of the photographer, (as well as the client) to achieve a successful shoot.
Part Four:
Photographers may bring their camera and hot shoe flash to work with the models as they pose. Models and photographers work together to practice what they’ve just learned. Both parties can use the photos for their portfolios.
Wrap Up:
Q & A Session
Please bring your camera, lenses, flash, manual, and pen and paper. Thanks
I guarantee you’ll learn a lot and be ready to deliver better images to your clients!
Classes are held in Andy’s studio in Farmington Hills, MI. Class size is kept small – about 10 people – to maximize your learning. Pre-registration is required. First come, first served. To enroll, please fill out the enrollment form. You may pay by credit card or PayPal here. If you pay by check, it must be received 72 hours in advance of the class date. Your seat is not reserved until payment is received. Payments at the door, or the same day as the workshop, are $99.00 and must be made in cash. Sorry, there are no exceptions to the above terms.
Cancellation/No Show Policy: Cancellation credits may only be used towards another workshop. No credits will be given with less than
48 hours notice (or if you don’t show up at all). All cancellations must be confirmed by Andy Greenwell by telephone or email. With more than 48 hours notice you may put the class fee towards a future workshop only. There are no cash refunds.